Friday, September 23, 2011

Importance of Homework

Homework…Don’t leave home without it!
We'd like to take this opportunity to stress the importance of homework to all the fourth graders and their parents. Already we’ve had quite a few students forget their homework at home, not take their homework home from school, or tell us that they did not have time to do it. Homework is important to the student and the parent and needs to be a priority. For the student it provides practice at home on the skills/concepts taught in class and time management.  For the parent it gives a glimpse into what your child is learning at school. It is vital that the student take responsibility for their homework. Fourth graders are more than capable of completing the assignments. As a parent, your role is to make sure the work is complete and done on a fourth grade level. We expect that what we assign is completed and returned the next day. It is in these early years that good study habits are formed. Please work with us to help your child learn accountability and responsibility.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Team building using Geometry and straws

Which TEAM could build the tallest, free-standing structure
using only straws and twist ties?

 Time to measure...

and the winners are...
Abby, Jaydan, Kodi, and Wyatt. Well done!
A lesson learned...oops!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Our first week of school...

 Mr. Hayes's Fourth Grade class of 2011-2012

 Let's get things started...

 It all starts with paying attention.

 Listening to directions.

It's in the bag!
Our 'me' bags that is.